Taber Vibration Isolator for Vacuum and Cryogenic Applications
Tanpopo cosmic dust collector: Silica aerogel production and bacterial DNA contamination analysis
Teaching Memory Circuit Elements via Experiment-Based Learning
Technical aspects and dark matter searches
Technical design and performance of the NEMO3 detector
Technical Design Report for PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC)
Technical Design Report of the Inner Tracker for the KLOE-2 experiment
Technology for Production of Ultra-Thin Crystal Silicon Membranes
TEIFU: a high-resolution integral field unit for the William Herschel Telescope
Temperature behavior of NaI (Tl) scintillation detectors
Temperature characterization of scintillation detectors using solid-state photomultipliers for radiation monitoring applications
Temperature dependencies of the energy and time resolution of silicon drift detectors
Temperature measurement at the end of a cantilever using oxygen paramagnetism in solid air
Temperature Studies for ATLAS MDT BOS Chambers
Tera-sample-per-second Real-time Waveform Digitizer
Terahertz and Infrared Uncooled Detector Based on a Microcantilever as a Radiation Pressure Sensor
Terahertz Response of Field-Effect Transistors in Saturation Regime
Test beam Characterizations of 3D Silicon Pixel detectors
Test Beam Requirements for the ILC Tracking and Vertex Detectors
Test Beam Results of 3D Silicon Pixel Sensors for the ATLAS upgrade