A 1 mm Scintillating Fibre Tracker Readout by a Multi-anode Photomultiplier
A 1.82 m^2 ring laser gyroscope for nano-rotational motion sensing
A 10 MHz beam counter and a multiplicity detector for the E864 spectrometer
A 3-D Track-Finding Processor for the CMS Level-1 Muon Trigger
A 83Krm Source for Use in Low-background Liquid Xenon Time Projection Chambers
A 96-Channel FPGA-based Time-to-Digital Converter
A background free double beta decay experiment
A Background-Free Direction-Sensitive Neutron Detector2 A Background-Free Direction-Sensitive Neutron Detector
A battery-operated, stabilized, high-energy pulsed electron gun for the production of rare gas excimers
A beam monitor detector based on doped silica and optical fibres
A benign, low Z electron capture agent for negative ion TPCs
A broad-Band FT-ICR Penning TRap System for KATRIN
A C-13(alpha,n)O-16 calibration source for KamLAND
A Cherenkov Radiation Detector with High Density Aerogels
A coincidental timing model for the scintillating fibers
A Compact 3H(p,gamma)4He 19.8-MeV Gamma-Ray Source for Energy Calibration at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
A Compact Apparatus for Muon Lifetime Measurement and Time Dilation Demonstration in the Undergraduate Laboratory
A Compact High-Energy Neutron Spectrometer
A Comparative Numerical Study on GEM, MHSP and MSGC
A Comparison of the Performance of Compact Neutrino Detector Designs for Nuclear Reactor Safeguards and Monitoring