M.i.p. detection performances of a 100 us read-out CMOS pixel sensor with digitised outputs
Magnetic field profiling for selected-states magnetic-resonance spectroscopy (SSMRS) and Stern-Gerlach spectroscopy (MGRS) in condensed matter
Magnetic field stabilization for high-accuracy mass measurements on exotic nuclides
Magnetic non-collinear neutron wave resonator
Magnetomotive drive and detection of clamped-clamped mechanical resonators in water
Making a better shutter
Making spherical GEMs
Manufacturing and heat-treatment procedure for the ALTAIR optical bench
Mapping the Sensitive Volume of an Ion-Counting Nanodosimeter
MarlinTPC: A Marlin based common TPC software framework for the LC-TPC collaboration
Masking techniques at the focal plane of the FORS instruments
Mass production test of Hamamatsu MPPC for T2K neutrino oscillation experiment
Massive liquid Ar and Xe detectors for direct Dark Matter searches
Material screening and selection for XENON100
Matrix method analysis of quantum Hall effect device connections
Matrix readout for superconducting tunnel junction arrays
Maximizing the Bandwidth Efficiency of the CMS Tracker Analog Optical Links
Measurement and simulation of the neutron response of the Nordball liquid scintillator array
Measurement of Carbon Disulfide Anion Diffusion in a TPC
Measurement of cluster elongation and charge in a pixel detector of 10~$μ$m pitch at sub-GeV energies