Vacuum Predictions and Measurements for an Internal Pellet Target
Validation of Kalman Filter alignment algorithm with cosmic-ray data using a CMS silicon strip tracker endcap
Validation of the GATE Monte Carlo simulation platform for modelling a CsI(Tl) scintillation camera dedicated to small animal imaging
Validation Studies of the ATLAS Pixel Detector Control System
Verifying the accuracy of the TITAN Penning-trap mass spectrometer
Versatile Wideband Balanced Detector for Quantum Optical Homodyne Tomography
Vertex Detector Cable Considerations
Vertex Tracking at a Future Linear Collider
Very simple FET amplifier with a voltage noise floor less than 1 nV/sqrt(Hz)
Very wide integral field unit of VIRMOS for the VLT: design and performances
Vibration diagnostics instrumentation for ILC
Vibration-Induced Conductivity Fluctuation Measurement for Soil Bulk Density Analysis
VIMOS and NIRMOS multi-object spectrographs for the ESO VLT
VIMOS mechanical and control system design
Visible and infrared detectors at Rockwell Science Center
Visualization Drivers for Geant4
VLT first-generation instruments: goals and status