QCALT: a tile calorimeter for KLOE-2 upgrade
qPlus Magnetic Force Microscopy in Frequency-Modulation Mode with milli-Hertz Resolution
Qualification Procedures of the CMS Pixel Barrel Modules
Qualification Tests of 474 Photomultiplier Tubes for the Inner Detector of the Double Chooz Experiment
Quality control of GEM detectors using scintillation techniques
Quality factor analysis and optimization of digital filtering signal reconstruction for liquid ionization calorimeters
Quantized amplitudes in a nonlinear resonant electrical circuit
Quantum probe for molecular synthesis at room temperature
Quartz fiber calorimetry and calorimeters
QUASAR-370 hybrid phototube as a prototype of a photodetector for the next generation of deep underwater neutrino telescopes
Quenching factor measurement in low pressure gas detector for directional dark matter search
Querying Large Physics Data Sets Over an Information Grid