Laboratory Studies of Lead Removal from Liquid Scintillator in Preparation for KamLAND's Low Background Phase
LabView Interface for School-Network DAQ Card
Large Area Silicon Tracking: New Perspectives
Large scale Gd-beta-diketonate based organic liquid scintillator production for antineutrino detection
Large Scales - Long Times: Adding High Energy Resolution to SANS
Large-Area Plasma-Panel Radiation Detectors for Nuclear Medicine Imaging to Homeland Security and the Super Large Hadron Collider
Large-Area Sandwich Veto Detector with WLS Fibre Readout for Hadron Spectroscopy at COMPASS
Large-format quantum-well infrared photodetector arrays for astronomical instrumentation
Large-scale Gadolinium-doped Water Cerenkov Detector for Non-Proliferation
LArGe: Background suppression using liquid argon (LAr) scintillation for 0$νββ$ decay search with enriched germanium (Ge) detectors
Laser frequency offset locking scheme for high-field imaging of cold atoms
LC-Circuit Calorimetry
LCDG4 and DigiSim - Simulation activities at NICADD/NIU
LCFI Vertex Package
Lead-glass detector for NA49
Leakage Tests of the Stainless Steel Vessels of the Antineutrino Detectors in the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
LED Monitoring System for the BTeV Lead Tungstate Crystal Calorimeter Prototype
Level-1 jet trigger hardware for the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter at LHC
Level-3 Calorimetric Resolution available for the Level-1 and Level-2 CDF Triggers
LFS-3 - new radiation hard scintillator for electromagnetic calorimeters