Performance of a Chamber for Studying the Liquid Xenon Response to Nuclear Recoils
Performance of a CsI(Tl) calorimeter in an experiment with stopped K+'s
Performance of a fine-sampling electromagnetic calorimeter prototype in the energy range from 1 to 19 GeV
Performance of a Large Area Avalanche Photodiode in a Liquid Xenon Ionization and Scintillation Chamber
Performance of a large limited streamer tube cell in drift mode
Performance Of A Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Exposed To The WANF Neutrino Beam
Performance of a micro-TPC for a time-resolved neutron PSD
Performance of a Time-Projection-Chamber with a Large-Area Micro-Pixel-Chamber Readout
Performance of a TiN-coated monolithic silicon pin-diode array under mechanical stress
Performance of bare high-purity germanium detectors in liquid argon for the GERDA experiment
Performance of CMS Hadron Calorimeter Timing and Synchronization using Test Beam, Cosmic Ray, and LHC Beam Data
Performance of CMS Muon Reconstruction in Cosmic-Ray Events
Performance of Glass Resistive Plate Chambers for a high granularity semi-digital calorimeter
Performance of Hamamatsu 64-anode photomultipliers for use with wavelength--shifting optical fibres
Performance of large-format HgCdTe and InSb arrays for low-background applications
Performance of Multi-Pixel Photon Counters for the T2K near detectors
Performance of n-in-p pixel detectors irradiated at fluences up to 5x10**15 neq/cm**2 for the future ATLAS upgrades
Performance of novel silicon n-in-p planar Pixel Sensors
Performance of Particle Identification with the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker
Performance of prototypes for the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter