CDF Central Preshower and Crack Detector Upgrade
CFHTIR: 1Kx1K NIR spectro-imaging camera for the CFHT
Challenges for RPCs and resistive micropattern detectors in the next few years
Channeling Effect and Improvement of the Efficiency of Charged Particle Registration with Crystal Scintillators
Characterisation of a CMOS Active Pixel Sensor for use in the TEAM Microscope
Characterisation of a Pixel Sensor in 0.20 micron SOI Technology for Charged Particle Tracking
Characterisation of a silicon photomultiplier device for applications in liquid argon based neutrino physics and dark matter searches
Characterisation of a Thin Fully Depleted SOI Pixel Sensor with High Momentum Charged Particles
Characterisation of a Thin Fully-Depleted SOI Pixel Sensor with Soft X-ray Radiation
Characterisation of low pressure VPE GaAs diodes before and after 24 GeV/c proton irradiation
Characterisation of the VELO High Voltage System
Characterisation Studies of Silicon Photomultipliers
Characterising a Si(Li) detector element for the SIXA X-ray spectrometer
Characterization and Modeling of Non-Uniform Charge Collection in CVD Diamond Pixel Detectors
Characterization and Performance of Silicon n-in-p Pixel Detectors for the ATLAS Upgrades
Characterization and performances of new indium loaded organic liquid scintillators, based on novel indium carboxilate compounds
Characterization and Simulation of the Response of Multi Pixel Photon Counters to Low Light Levels
Characterization and Tuning of Ultra High Gradient Permanent Magnet Quadrupoles
Characterization of 3D-DDTC detectors on p-type substrates
Characterization of a broad energy germanium detector and application to neutrinoless double beta decay search in Ge-76