Incorporating Nuisance Parameters in Likelihoods for Multisource Spectra
Incorporation of the statistical uncertainty in the background estimate into the upper limit on the signal
Increment definitions for scale dependent analysis of stochastic data
Inductive Logic: From Data Analysis to Experimental Design
Infectious Default Model with Recovery and Continuous Limit
Inference for bounded parameters
Inference in particle tracking experiments by passing messages between images
Inference of a nonlinear stochastic model of the cardiorespiratory interaction
Inference of entropies of discrete random variables with unknown cardinalities
Inference of stochastic nonlinear oscillators with applications to physiological problems
Inferring the success parameter p of a binomial model from small samples affected by background
Influence of solar magnetic activity on the North American temperature record
Influence of the bin-to-bin and inside bin correlations on measured quantities
Information and Covariance Matrices for Multivariate Burr III and Logistic distributions
Information and Entropy
Information content in Gaussian noise: optimal compression rates
Information erasure lurking behind measures of complexity
Information filtering based on transferring similarity
Information filtering via biased heat conduction
Information Filtering via Implicit Trust-based Network