Random matrix approach in search for weak signals immersed in background noise
Random matrix route to image denoising
Random planar graphs and the London street network
Random Walk Picture of Basketball Scoring
Reactions to extreme events: moving threshold model
Recognizing different types of stochastic processes
Reconstructing the Traffic State by Fusion of Heterogeneous Data
Reconstruction of an object from its symmetry-averaged diffraction pattern
Reconstruction of dynamical equations for traffic flow
Reconstruction of electrons with the Gaussian-sum filter in the CMS tracker at LHC
Record-breaking temperatures reveal a warming climate
Recurrence plot statistics and the effect of embedding
Recurrence time analysis, long-term correlations, and extreme events
Reducing multi-dimensional information into a 1-d histogram
Reducing the Bias of Causality Measures
Reducing the Variance of Likelihood Ratio Greeks with Monte Carlo
Reduction of time-resolved space-based CCD photometry developed for MOST Fabry Imaging data
Reference analysis of the signal + background model in counting experiments
Relation between Bid-Ask Spread, Impact and Volatility in Double Auction Markets
Relationship Between Structural Characters and Synchronizability of Scale-free Networks