Ultimate "SIR" in Autonomous Linear Networks with Symmetric Weight Matrices, and Its Use to Stabilize the Network - A Hopfield-like network
Uncertainty Factors for Stage-Specific and Cumulative Results of Indirect Measurements
Uncovering latent singularities from multifractal scaling laws in mixed asymptotic regime. Application to turbulence
Uncovering missing links with cold ends
Understanding the spreading patterns of mobile phone viruses
Unfolding algorithms and tests using RooUnfold
Unfolding Substructures of Complex Networks by Coupling Chaotic Oscillators beyond Global Synchronization Regime
Unified nuclear core activity map reconstruction using heterogeneous instruments with data assimilation
Uniqueness transition in noisy phase retrieval
Universal analytic properties of noise. Introducing the J-Matrix formalism
Universal geometric approach to uncertainty, entropy and information
Universal scaling in sports ranking
Universal, Continuous-Discrete Nonlinear Yau Filtering I: Affine, Linear State Model with State-Independent Diffusion Matrix
Unraveling Spurious Properties of Interaction Networks with Tailored Random Networks
Unreal Probabilities: Partial Truth with Clifford Numbers
Unsupervised and semi-supervised clustering by message passing: Soft-constraint affinity propagation
Unsupervised clustering analysis: a multiscale complex networks approach
Unveiling the Relationship Between Structure and Dynamics in Complex Networks
Updating Probabilities
Updating Probabilities with Data and Moments