Icequakes coupled with surface displacements for predicting glacier break-off
Identification of community structure in networks with convex optimization
Identification of earthquake precursors in the hydrogeochemical and geoacoustic data for the Kamchatka peninsula by flicker-noise spectroscopy
Identification of nonlinear noisy dynamics of an ecosystem from observations of one of its trajectory components
Identification of overlapping communities and their hierarchy by locally calculating community-changing resolution levels
Identification of Overlapping Communities by Locally Calculating Community-Changing Resolution Levels
Identification of photon-tagged jets in the ALICE experiment
Identifying phase synchronization clusters in spatially extended dynamical systems
Identifying Relevant Eigenimages - a Random Matrix Approach
Image reconstruction without prior information
Imagiro: an implementation of Bayesian iterative unfolding for high energy physics
Impact of Heterogeneous Human Activities on Epidemic Spreading
Impact of non-Poisson activity patterns on spreading processes
Impact of sudden mass mortality on suicides
Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Hotel Industry in Pacific Tohoku Prefectures: From spatio-temporal dependence of hotel availability
Implementation and application of kinematic vertex fitting in the software environment of ILD
Improved estimation of Fokker-Planck equations through optimisation
Improved iterative Bayesian unfolding
Improved Probability Method for Estimating Signal in the Presence of Background
Improvement of experimental data via consistency conditions