Failure of Numerical modeling of 3-D Position Reconstruction from 3-Axial Planar Spiral Coil Sensor Sensitivity due to Existence of Quadratic Terms
Fast Computation of Voigt Functions via Fourier Transforms
Fast Spatial Prediction from Inhomogeneously Sampled Data Based on Generalized Random Fields with Gibbs Energy Functionals
Fatigue independent amplitude-frequency correlations in EMG signals
Fear and its implications for stock markets
Feasibility of 3D reconstructions from a single 2D diffraction measurement
Feldman-Cousins Confidence Levels - Toy MC Method
Filter banks and the "Intensity Analysis" of EMG
Financial Applications of Random Matrix Theory: Old Laces and New Pieces
Finding an Upper Limit in the Presence of Unknown Background
Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices
Finding local community structure in networks
Finding Scientific Gems with Google
Finding two-dimensional peaks
Finite sampling interval effects in Kramers-Moyal analysis
First Experiences with LHC Grid Computing and Distributed Analysis
First Passage Time Densities in Resonate-and-Fire Models
First-Digit Law in Nonextensive Statistics
Fisher information as a performance metric for locally optimum processing
Fisher Information With Respect to Cumulants