Waiting time dynamics of priority-queue networks
Wavelet analysis of event by event fluctuations
Wavelet Analysis of Solar Activity
Wavelet Domain Image Separation
Wavelet entropy and fractional Brownian motion time series
Wavelet entropy of stochastic processes
Wavelet transform modulus maxima based fractal correlation analysis
Wavelets and Solar Magnetic Activity I: Wavelets on the Edge
Wavelets and wavelet-like transforms on the sphere and their application to geophysical data inversion
Weibull-type limiting distribution for replicative systems
Weighted Radial Variation for Node Feature Classification
What is a Question?
What is the most competitive sport?
What is the true dropped calls rate when in the test it was found to be zero?
When are Extreme Events the better predictable, the larger they are?
When do finite sample effects significantly affect entropy estimates ?
When Models Interact with their Subjects: The Dynamics of Model Aware Systems
WHIZARD @ LCForum 2012: A Status Report
Why does the Standard GARCH(1,1) model work well?
Why Does Zipf's Law Break Down in Rank-Size Distribution of Cities?