N-tuple Zipf Analysis and Modeling for Language, Computer Program and DNA
Naming Game on small-world networks: the role of clustering structure
Natural entropy fluctuations discriminate similar looking electric signals emitted from systems of different dynamics
Negatively Biased Relevant Subsets Induced by the Most-Powerful One-Sided Upper Confidence Limits for a Bounded Physical Parameter
Negro and Danube are mirror rivers
Neighborhood properties of complex networks
Nested Sampling with Constrained Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
Networks of Recurrent Events, a Theory of Records, and an Application to Finding Causal Signatures in Seismicity
NetzCope: A Tool for Displaying and Analyzing Complex Networks
New Advances in Bayesian Calculation for Linear and Nonlinear Inverse Problems
New Physics Discovery Potential in Future Experiments
Next-Generation EU DataGrid Data Management Services
NeXus Software Status
No need to blur the picture
Node-weighted measures for complex networks with spatially embedded, sampled, or differently sized nodes
Noise bridges dynamical correlation and topology in coupled oscillator networks
Noise characteristics of 3D time-of-flight cameras
Noise correlation and decorrelation in arrays of bolometric detectors
Noise Corruption of Empirical Mode Decomposition and Its Effect on Instantaneous Frequency
Noise-based deterministic logic and computing: a brief survey