Large deviations from the thermodynamic limit in globally coupled maps
Large dimension forecasting models and random singular value spectra
Late comment on Astumian's paradox
Late-Night Thoughts About the Significance of a Small Count of Nuclear or Particle Events
Law of the leading digits and the ideological struggle for numbers
LCIO - A persistency framework for linear collider simulation studies
Least-squares fit to a straight line when each variable contains all equal errors
Lectures on Probability, Entropy, and Statistical Physics
Level Crossing Analysis of the Stock Markets
Levy statistical fluctuations from a Random Amplifying Medium
Lifetimes of agents under external stress
Likelihood based observability analysis and confidence intervals for predictions of dynamic models
Likelihood inference in the presence of nuisance parameters
Likelihood method and Fisher information in construction of physical models
Likelihood ratio intervals with Bayesian treatment of uncertainties: coverage, power and combined experiments
Limits and Confidence Intervals in the Presence of Nuisance Parameters
Limits of Declustering Methods for Disentangling Exogenous from Endogenous Events in Time Series with Foreshocks, Main shocks and Aftershocks
Limits on Relief through Constrained Exchange on Random Graphs
Limits, discovery and cut optimization for a Poisson process with uncertainty in background and signal efficiency: TRolke 2.0
Line Graphs of Weighted Networks for Overlapping Communities