Calculating a confidence interval on the sum of binned leakage
Calculating the Exact Pooled Variance
Calorimeter clustering with minimal spanning trees
Can a Lamb Reach a Haven Before Being Eaten by Diffusing Lions?
Can intrinsic noise induce various resonant peaks?
Can the evolution of music be analyzed in a quantitative manner?
Capacity of multivariate channels with multiplicative noise: I.Random matrix techniques and large-N expansions for full transfer matrices
Cascade Training Technique for Particle Identification
Causal information approach to partial conditioning in multivariate data sets
Centrality measures and thermodynamic formalism for complex networks
Challenges in Moving the LEP Higgs Statistics to the LHC
Changed reference models in proportionality analysis
Characteristic functions and process identification by neural networks
Characteristic market behaviors caused by intervention in a foreign exchange market
Characteristic time scales of tick quotes on foreign currency markets: an empirical study and agent-based model
Characterization and diagnostics of combustion thermoacoustic instabilities using nonlinear dynamics and topological methods
Characterization of a Low Frequency Power Spectral Density f^(-gamma) in a Threshold Model
Characterizing and modeling cyclic behavior in non-stationary time series through multi-resolution analysis
Characterizing Human Mobility Patterns in a Large Street Network
Characterizing Synchronization in Time Series using Information Measures Extracted from Symbolic Representations