Bayesian credible interval construction for Poisson statistics
Bayesian Estimation for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval: The Nuisance of Emissivities
Bayesian estimation for selective trace gas detection
Bayesian experimental design for the active nitridation of graphite by atomic nitrogen
Bayesian Field Theory: Nonparametric Approaches to Density Estimation, Regression, Classification, and Inverse Quantum Problems
Bayesian inference for inverse problems
Bayesian Inference in Processing Experimental Data: Principles and Basic Applications
Bayesian inference of nanoparticle-broadened x-ray line profiles
Bayesian Learning of Neural Networks for Signal/Background Discrimination in Particle Physics
Bayesian Method of Moments (BMOM) Analysis of Mean and Regression Models
Bayesian reasoning in cosmology
Bayesian reasoning versus conventional statistics in High Energy Physics
Bayesian segmentation of hyperspectral images
Bayesian Separation of Document Images with Hidden Markov Model
Bayesian Source Separation and Localization
Bayesian source separation with mixture of Gaussians prior for sources and Gaussian prior for mixture coefficients
Bayesian theory of systematic measurement deviations
Bayesian Variable Selection with Related Predictors
Bayesian versus frequentist upper limits
Bayesian Wavelet Based Signal and Image Separation