Zipf Law in Firms Bankruptcy
Zipf's Law Distributions for Korean Stock Prices
Zipf's law in Multifragmentation
Zipf-Mandelbrot Law for Time Intervals of Earthquakes
Zipping and collapse of diblock copolymers
Zipping and unzipping of nanoscale carbon structures
Zipping mechanism for force-generation by growing filament bundles
Zircon to monazite phase transition in CeVO4
Zitterbewegung (trembling motion) of electrons in narrow gap semiconductors
Zitterbewegung (trembling motion) of electrons in semiconductors: a Review
Zitterbewegung and its effects on electrons in semiconductors
Zitterbewegung of electronic wave packets in semiconductor nanostructures
Zitterbewegung of electrons and holes in III-V semiconductor quantum wells
Zitterbewegung of electrons in graphene in a magnetic field
Zitterbewegung of electrons in quantum wells and dots in presence of an in-plane magnetic field
Zitterbewegung of nearly-free and tightly bound electrons in solids
Zitterbewegung, chirality, and minimal conductivity in graphene
Zn and Ni doping effects on the low-energy spin excitations in La$_{1.85}$Sr$_{0.15}$CuO$_{4}$
Zn Impurities in BiSrCa(CuZn)O II - Temperature Induced Spectral Change
Zn impurity induced moments and tunneling conductance asymmetry in cuprate superconductors