Zero-energy edge states and their origin in particle-hole symmetric systems: symmetry and topology
Zero-energy peak of the density of states and localization properties of a one-dimensional Frenkel exciton: Off-diagonal disorder
Zero-energy states and fragmentation of spin in the easy-plane antiferromagnet on a honeycomb lattice
Zero-energy states in corrugated bilayer graphene
Zero-energy states in graphene quantum dots and rings
Zero-energy states in triangular and trapezoidal graphene structures
Zero-energy states of massive Dirac equation in magnetic fields
Zero-energy vortex bound states in noncentrosymmetric superconductors
Zero-field incommensurate spin-Peierls phase with interchain frustration in TiOCl
Zero-field Kondo splitting and quantum-critical transition in double quantum dots
Zero-field magnetization reversal of two-body Stoner particles with dipolar interaction
Zero-Field Satellites of a Zero-Bias Anomaly
Zero-field spin splitting in a two-dimensional electron gas with the spin-orbit interaction revisited
Zero-field spin-splitting and spin lifetime in n-InSb/In1-xAlxSb asymmetric quantum well heterostructures
Zero-field splitting of Kondo resonances in a carbon nanotube quantum dot
Zero-field superfluid density in d-wave superconductor evaluated from the results of muon-spin-rotation experiments in the mixed state
Zero-field thermopower of a thin heterostructure membrane with a 2D electron gas
Zero-field Time Correlation Functions of Four Classical Heisenberg Spins on a Ring
Zero-frequency anomaly in quasiclassical ac transport: Memory effects in a two-dimensional metal with a long-range random potential or random magnetic field
Zero-frequency transport properties of one dimensional spin-1/2 systems