Typical solution time for a vertex-covering algorithm on finite-connectivity random graphs
Typical state of an isolated quantum system with fixed energy and unrestricted participation of eigenstates
Typical versus average helicity modulus in the three-dimensional gauge glass: Understanding the vortex glass phase
Typical-Medium Theory of Mott-Anderson Localization
Typicality for Generalized Microcanonical Ensembles
Typicality of pure states randomly sampled according to the Gaussian adjusted projected measure
T^{2/3} resistivity and the field-tuned quantum critical point in CeCoIn5
T_c for dilute Bose gases: beyond leading order in 1/N
T_c for homogeneous dilute Bose gases: a second-order result
T_c for trapped dilute Bose gases: a second-order result
T_c-Enhanced Codoping Method for GaAs-based Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors