Lack of Self-affinity and Anomalous Roughening in Growth Processes
Lack of self-average in weakly disordered one dimensional systems
Lack of Self-Averaging in Critical Disordered Systems
Lack of self-averaging in neutral evolution of proteins
Lack of self-averaging of the specific heat in the three-dimensional random-field Ising model
Lack of Stability in the Stillinger-Weber Analysis, and a Stable Analysis of the Potential Energy Landscape
Lack of static lattice distortion in $Tb_2 Ti_2 O_7$
Lack of Ultrametricity in the Low-Temperature phase of 3D Ising Spin Glasses
LaCo2B2: A Co-based layered superconductor with a ThCr2Si2-type structure
LaCoO3 - from first principles
LaCrO3 heteroepitaxy on SrTiO3(001) by molecular beam epitaxy
Lacunarity of Random Fractals
Ladder approximation to spin velocities in quantum wires
Ladder network as a mesoscopic switch: An exact result
Ladder operator for the one-dimensional Hubbard model
Ladders in a magnetic field: a strong coupling approach
LaFeAsO$_{1-x}$F$_x$: A low carrier density superconductor near itinerant magnetism
LaFeAsO$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$ thin films: high upper critical fields and evidence of weak link behavior
Lagrange formalism of memory circuit elements: classical and quantum formulations
Lagrange Instability of Geodesics in Curved Double Twisted Liquid Crystals