Josephson effect in mesoscopic graphene strips with finite width
Josephson effect in MgB_2 break junctions
Josephson Effect in Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor Junctions
Josephson Effect in Pb/I/NbSe2 Scanning Tunneling Microscope Junctions
Josephson effect in point contacts between ''f-wave'' superconductors
Josephson effect in point contacts between two-band superconductors
Josephson effect in quasi one-dimensional unconventional superconductors
Josephson effect in S$_{\rm F}$XS$_{\rm F}$ junctions
Josephson effect in S/F/S junctions: spin bandwidth asymmetry vs. Stoner exchange
Josephson effect in superconducting constrictions with hybrid SF electrodes: peculiar properties determined by the misorientation of magnetizations
Josephson effect in Superconductors and Superfluids
Josephson Effect in Superconductors with Odd-Gap Pairing
Josephson effect in superfluid atomic Fermi-gases
Josephson effect in the cuprates: microscopic implications
Josephson effect in thin films: the role of vortex excitations
Josephson effect in thin-film superconductor/insulator/superconductor junctions with misaligned in-plane magnetic fields
Josephson Effect in Unconventional Superconductors
Josephson effect test for triplet pairing symmetry
Josephson effect through a multilevel dot near a singlet-triplet transition
Josephson effect through a quantum dot array