Identifying reactive trajectories using a moving transition state
Identifying spin-triplet pairing in spin-orbit coupled multi-band superconductors: application to Sr2RuO4
Identifying strongly correlated supersolid states on the optical lattice by quench-induced π-states
Identifying structural order in Selenium with Near-Edge Spectroscopy
Identifying structural patterns in `disordered' metal clusters
Identifying the Background Signal in ARPES of High Temperature Superconductors
Identifying the Bose glass phase
Identifying the bottom line after a stock market crash
Identifying the multiferroic phase of doped CuFeO_2 using inelastic neutron scattering
Identifying the odd-frequency superconducting state by a field-induced Josephson effect
Identifying the Orientation of Edge of Graphene Using G Band Raman Spectra
Identifying the pairing mechanism in Fe-As based superconductors: gaps and isotope effects
Identifying the pairing symmetry in sodium cobalt oxide by Andreev edge states
Identifying the pairing symmetry in the Sr2RuO4 superconductor
Identifying the protein folding nucleus using molecular dynamics
Identifying universality classes of absorbing phase transitions by block renormalization
Identifying vacancy complexes in compound semiconductors with positron annihilation spectroscopy: a case study of InN
Identities for density functionals linking functionals of different densities
Identity and Search in Social Networks
Identity for the DFT correlation functional