Haldane-gap chains in a magnetic field
Haldane-gap excitations in the low-H_c 1-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet NDMAP
Haldane-Gapped Spin Chains as Luttinger Liquids: Correlation Functions at Finite Field
Half - h/2e - Oscillations of SQUIDs
Half integer features in the quantum Hall Effect: experiment and theory
Half integer quantum Hall effect in high mobility single layer epitaxial graphene
Half metallic digital ferromagnetic heterostructure composed of a $δ$-doped layer of Mn in Si
Half Metallic Response of Manganite Films at Room Temperature from Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Half Metallicity in Hybrid BCN Nanoribbons
Half Metallicity in Pr$_{0.75}$Sr$_{0.25}$MnO$_3$: A first Principle study
Half or full core-hole in density functional theory X-ray absorption spectrum calculations of water?
Half quantum spin Hall effect on the surface of weak topological insulators
Half quantum vortex in superfluid $^3$He-A phase in parallel plate geometry
Half quantum vortices and Majorana fermions in triplet superconductors
Half Semimetallic Antiferromagnetism in the Sr$_2$CrTO$_6$ System, T=Os, Ru
Half-filled 2D bilayers in a strong magnetic field: Revisiting the $ν=1/2$ fractional quantum Hall effect
Half-filled Hubbard Model on a Bethe lattice with next-nearest neighbor hopping
Half-filled Hubbard ring with alternating site potentials in a magnetic field
Half-filled Landau level as a Fermi liquid of dipolar quasiparticles
Half-Filled Lowest Landau Level on a Thin Torus