GW approximation with self-screening correction
GW approximations and vertex corrections on the Keldysh time-loop contour: application for model systems at equilibrium
GW band structure of InAs and GaAs in the wurtzite phase
GW correlation effects on plutonium quasiparticle energies: changes in crystal-field splitting
GW method applied to localized 4f electron systems
GW method with the self-consistent Sternheimer equation
GW quasi-particle spectra from occupied states only
GW quasiparticle bandgaps of anatase TiO2 starting from DFT+U
GW+U real-space Green's function calculations of x-ray spectra
Gyration radius of a circular polymer under a topological constraint with excluded volume
Gyroscopic Classical and Quantum Oscillators interacting with Heat Baths
Gyroscopic effects in interference of matter waves
Gyroscopic motion of superfluid trapped atomic condensates
Gyrotropic impact upon negatively refracting surfaces
Gyrotropic Percolation
Gyrotropy and magneto-spatial dispersion effects at intersubband transitions in quantum wells