Growth, Characterization and Fermi Surface of Heavy Fermion CeCoIn5 Superconductor
Growth, characterization and physical properties of high-quality large single crystals of Bi$_2$Sr$_{2-x}$La$_{x}$CuO$_6$ high-temperature superconductors
Growth, magnetic properties and Raman scattering of La2NiMnO6 single crystals
Growth, microstructure, and failure of crazes in glassy polymers
Growth, Percolation, and Correlations in Disordered Fiber Networks
Growth, structure analysis and anisotropic superconducting properties of MgB2 single crystals
Growth, Structure and Properties of BiFeO3-BiCrO3 Films obtained by Dual Cross Beam PLD
Growth, Structure and Properties of Epitaxial Thin Films of First Principles Predicted Multiferroic Bi2FeCrO6
Growth-Collapse Cycles of a Bose-Einstein Condensate with Attractive Interactions
Growth-Optimal Strategies with Quadratic Friction Over Finite-Time Investment Horizons
Growth-related inhomogeneities in bulk melt-grown YBaCuO crystals
Growth-related profiles of remanent flux in bulk melt-textured YBaCuO crystal magnetized by pulsed fields
Grueneisen Ratio Divergence at the Quantum Critical Point in CeCu_{6-x}Ag_x
Grundstate Properties of the 3D Ising Spin Glass
Grüneisen ratio at the Kondo breakdown quantum critical point
Guessing probability distributions from small samples
Guest Charge and Potential Fluctuations in Two-Dimensional Classical Coulomb Systems
Guest charges in an electrolyte: renormalized charge, long- and short-distance behavior of the electric potential and density profile
Guidance and Control in a Josephson Charge Qubit
Guided atom laser : a new tool for guided atom optics