Earthquake statistics and fractal faults
Earthquakes: from chemical alteration to mechanical rupture
EAS fluctuation approach to primary mass composition investigation
Easy collective polarization switching in ferroelectrics
Easy orientation of diblock copolymers on self-assembled monolayers using UV irradiation
Easy-Axis Kagomé Antiferromagnet: Local-Probe Study of Nd$_3$Ga$_5$SiO$_{14}$
Easy-plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy in the multi-step metamagnet CeIr3Si2
Echinocyte Shapes: Bending, Stretching and Shear Determine Spicule Shape and Spacing
Echo in Optical Lattices: Stimulated Revival of Breathing Oscillations
Echo of the Quantum Phase Transition of CeCu$_{6-x}$Au$_x$ in XPS: Breakdown of Kondo Screening
Echo spectroscopy of bulk Bogoliubov excitations in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
Echolocation by Quasiparticles
Ecological model of extinctions
Economic Fluctuations and Diffusion
Economic returns of research: the Pareto law and its implications
Economic Small-World Behavior in Weighted Networks
Economics Mapping to the Renormalization Group Scaling of Stock Markets
Economics-Based Optimization of Unstable Flows
Economy of scales in R&D with block-busters
ECR Plasma assisted deposition of zinc nanowires