Dynamics of stick-slip in peeling of an adhesive tape
Dynamics of stripe patterns in type-I superconductors subject to a rotating field
Dynamics of Stripes in Doped Antiferromagnets
Dynamics of Strongly Deformed Polymers in Solution
Dynamics of Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases of Atoms in a Harmonic Trap
Dynamics of structural models with a long-range interaction: glassy versus non-glassy behavior
Dynamics of Successive Minor Hysteresis Loops
Dynamics of superconducting cosmic strings
Dynamics of superconducting nanowires shunted with an external resistor
Dynamics of superconducting vortices driven by oscillatory forces in the plastic flow regime
Dynamics of supercooled liquids: density fluctuations and Mode Coupling Theory
Dynamics of Superflow by Mesoscopic Condensate
Dynamics of Supervised Learning with Restricted Training Sets
Dynamics of Surface Roughening with Quenched Disorder
Dynamics of surface steps
Dynamics of systems with isotropic competing interactions in an external field: a Langevin approach
Dynamics of T=0 BCS condensates
Dynamics of text generation with realistic Zipf distribution
Dynamics of the (spin-) Hall effect in topological insulators and graphene
Dynamics of the 1D Heisenberg model and optical absorption of spinons in cuprate antiferromagnetic chains