Dynamics of Magnetic Defects in Heavy Fermion LiV2O4 from Stretched Exponential 7Li NMR Relaxation
Dynamics of magnetic domain wall motion after nucleation: Dependence on the wall energy
Dynamics of magnetic flux lines in the presence of correlated disorder
Dynamics of magnetic moments of a nanoscopic array
Dynamics of magnetization coupled to a thermal bath of elastic modes
Dynamics of magnetization in frustrated spin-chain systems: Ca$_3$Co$_2$O$_6$
Dynamics of magnetization on the topological surface
Dynamics of Magnetization Reversal in Models of Magnetic Nanoparticles and Ultrathin Films
Dynamics of Majority Rule
Dynamics of market correlations: Taxonomy and portfolio analysis
Dynamics of matter solitons in weakly modulated optical lattices
Dynamics of matter-wave solitons in a time-modulated two-dimensional optical lattice
Dynamics of membranes driven by actin polymerization
Dynamics of membranes with immobile inclusions
Dynamics of mesoscopic precipitate lattices in phase separating alloys under external load
Dynamics of metal clusters in rare gas clusters
Dynamics of metallic stripes in cuprates
Dynamics of metastable vortex states in weakly pinned superconductors: A phenomenological model
Dynamics of micrometer-scale phase separation in a polymer mixture upon laser irradiation
Dynamics of modulated and composite aperiodic crystals: the signature of the inner polarization in the neutron coherent inelastic scattering