Dynamics of Flux Creep in Underdoped Single Crystals of Y_1-xPr_xBa_2Cu_3O_7-d
Dynamics of Fluxon Lattice in Two Coupled Josephson Junctions
Dynamics of folding in Semiflexible filaments
Dynamics of formation and decay of coherence in a polariton condensate
Dynamics of Forster Energy Migration Across Polymer Chains in Solution
Dynamics of four- versus two-terminal transport through chaotic quantum cavities
Dynamics of fractal dimension during phase ordering of a geometrical multifractal
Dynamics of Fractures in Quenched Disordered Media
Dynamics of Freely Cooling Granular Gases
Dynamics of fullerene coalescence
Dynamics of gap solitons in a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate on a three-dimensional optical lattice
Dynamics of gas bubble growth in a supersaturated solution with Sievert's solubility law
Dynamics of Gas-Fluidized Granular Rods
Dynamics of gelling liquids: a short survey
Dynamics of Generalized Hydrodynamics: Hyperbolic and Pseudohyperbolic Burgers Equations
Dynamics of ghost domains in spin-glasses
Dynamics of glass phases in the two-dimensional gauge glass model
Dynamics of glassy systems
Dynamics of grain ejection by sphere impact on a granular bed
Dynamics of granular avalanches caused by local perturbations