Dynamics and stability of Bose-Einstein solitons in tilted optical lattices
Dynamics and stability of dispersions of polyelectrolyte-filled multilayer microcapsules
Dynamics and stability of vortex-antivortex fronts in type II superconductors
Dynamics and statistical mechanics of ultra-cold Bose gases using c-field techniques
Dynamics and statistics of simple models with infinite-range attractive interaction
Dynamics and steady state of a vibrated granular binary mixture model
Dynamics and stress in gravity driven granular flow
Dynamics and structure of an aging binary colloidal glass
Dynamics and Structure of PMN and PZN
Dynamics and superfluidity of an ultracold Fermi gas
Dynamics and symmetries of a repulsively bound atom pair in an infinite optical lattice
Dynamics and thermalization in correlated one-dimensional lattice systems
Dynamics and thermalization of the nuclear spin bath in the single-molecule magnet Mn12-ac: test for the theory of spin tunneling
Dynamics and thermodynamics in spinor quantum gases
Dynamics and Thermodynamics of a model with long-range interactions
Dynamics and Thermodynamics of a Novel Phase of NaAlH4
Dynamics and thermodynamics of a simple model similar to self-gravitating systems: the HMF model
Dynamics and thermodynamics of rotators interacting with both long and short range couplings
Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems with Long Range Interactions: an Introduction
Dynamics and thermodynamics of systems with long-range interactions: interpretation of the different functionals