Dynamically broken symmetry in periodically gated quantum dots: Charge accumulation and dc-current
Dynamically controlled charge sensing of a few-electron silicon quantum dot
Dynamically correlated regions and configurational entropy in supercooled liquids
Dynamically dominant excitations of string solutions in the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain in magnetic fields
Dynamically Driven Irreversibility in Many Body Quantum Systems: An experimental approach
Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group
Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group Applied to Sandpile Models
Dynamically generated dimension reduction and crossover in a spin orbital model
Dynamically Generated Double Occupancy as a Probe of Cold Atom Systems
Dynamically generating arbitrary spin-orbit couplings for neutral atoms
Dynamically induced effective interaction in periodically driven granular mixtures
Dynamically Induced Locking and Unlocking Transitions in Driven Layered Systems with Quenched Disorder
Dynamically Induced Multi-Channel Kondo Effect
Dynamically Slow Processes in Supercooled Water Confined Between Hydrophobic Plates
Dynamically Stabilized Bright Solitons in a Two-Dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensate
Dynamically stable multiply quantized vortices in dilute Bose-Einstein condensates
Dynamically turning off interactions in a two component condensate
Dynamically-Coupled Oscillators -- Cooperative Behavior via Dynamical Interaction --
Dynamically-Induced Frustration as a Route to a Quantum Spin Ice State in Tb2Ti2O7 via Virtual Crystal Field Excitations and Quantum Many-Body Effects
Dynamically-Stabilized Pores in Bilayer Membranes