Cut-and-permute algorithm for self-avoiding walks in the presence of surfaces
Cut-offs and finite size effects in scale-free networks
Cutoff and lattice effects in the $\varphy^4$ theory of confined systems
Cutting and controlled modification of graphene with ion beams
Cutting-Decimation Renormalization for diffusive and vibrational dynamics on fractals
Cu_{2}O as nonmagnetic semiconductor for spin transport in crystalline oxide electronics
CVD of CrO2 Thin Films: Influence of the Deposition Parameters on their Structural and Magnetic Properties
CVD of CrO2: towards a lower temperature deposition process
CVD routes to MgB2 conductors
CVD-based approach to the growth of epitaxial MgB2 thin films
CVM studies on the atomic ordering in complex perovskite alloys
Cycle decomposition of full counting statistics
Cycles and clustering in bipartite networks
Cycles structure and local ordering in complex networks
Cyclic exchange, isolated states and spinon deconfinement in an XXZ Heisenberg model on the checkerboard lattice
Cyclic Lattice Feshbach Resonances
Cyclic motion and inversion of surface flow direction in a dense polymer brush under shear
Cyclic phase in F=2 spinor condensate: Long-range order, kinks, and roughening transition
Cyclic Spin Exchange in Cuprate Spin Ladders