Curvature of Co-Links Uncovers Hidden Thematic Layers in the World Wide Web
Curvature of Levels and Charge Stiffness of One-Dimensional Spinless Fermions
Curvature of the energy landscape and folding of model proteins
Curvature, hybridization, and STM images of carbon nanotubes
Curvature-coupling dependence of membrane protein diffusion coefficients
Curvature-driven coarsening in the two dimensional Potts model
Curvature-enhanced spin-orbit coupling in a carbon nanotube
Curvature-induced anisotropic spin-orbit splitting in carbon nanotubes
Curvature-Induced Defect Unbinding in Toroidal Geometries
Curvature-induced frustration in the $XY$ model on hyperbolic surfaces
Curvature-induced geometric potential in strain-driven nanostructures
Curvature-induced spin-orbit coupling and spin relaxation in a chemically clean single-layer graphene
Curved Graphene Nanoribbons: Structure and Dynamics of Carbon Nanobelts
Curved One-Dimensional Wire as a Spin Rotator
Curved Tails in Polymerization-Based Bacterial Motility
Curvilinear coordinates for full-core atoms
CuSiO_3 : a quasi - one - dimensional S=1/2 antiferromagnetic chain system
Cusps and shocks in the renormalized potential of glassy random manifolds: How Functional Renormalization Group and Replica Symmetry Breaking fit together
Cusps, self-organization, and absorbing states
Cut Size Statistics of Graph Bisection Heuristics