Current-driven domain wall motion in magnetic wires with asymmetric notches
Current-driven domain wall motion in thin ferromagnetic wires
Current-Driven Domain-Wall Dynamics in Curved Ferromagnetic Nanowires
Current-driven excitations in magnetic multilayers: a brief review
Current-driven ferromagnetic resonance, mechanical torques and rotary motion in magnetic nanostructures
Current-Driven Magnetic Excitations in Permalloy-Based Multilayer Nanopillars
Current-Driven Magnetic Memory with Tunable Magnetization Switching
Current-driven magnetic rearrangements in spin-polarized point contacts
Current-driven magnetization decrease in single crystalline ferromagnetic manganese oxide
Current-Driven Magnetization Dynamics in Magnetic Multilayers
Current-driven Magnetization Reversal and Spin Wave Excitations in Co/Cu/Co Pillars
Current-driven Magnetization Reversal in a Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs/(Ga,Mn)As Tunnel Junction
Current-driven magnetization switching in CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions
Current-Driven Microwave Dynamics in Magnetic Point Contacts as a Function of Applied Field Angle
Current-driven microwave oscillations in current perpendicular-to-plane spin-valve nanopillars
Current-driven orbital order-disorder transition in LaMnO3
Current-driven resonant excitation of magnetic vortex
Current-driven spin injection from a probe to a ferromagnetic film
Current-Driven Switching in Magnetic Multilayer Nanopillars
Current-driven switching of magnetisation- theory and experiment