Broken Time-reversal Symmetry in Josephson Junction with an Anderson impurity and multi band superconductors
Broken time-reversal symmetry in strongly correlated ladder structures
Broken translational and time-reversal symmetry in superconducting films
Broken translational symmetry in an emergent paramagnetic phase of graphene
Broken unitarity and phase measurements in Aharonov-Bohm interferometers
Broken-Bond Rule for the Surface Energies of Noble Metals
Broken-symmetry $ν=0$ quantum Hall states in bilayer graphene: Landau level mixing and dynamical screening
Broken-Symmetry Ground States of Halogen-Bridged Binuclear Metal Complexes
Broken-symmetry states and phase diagram of the lowest Landau level in bilayer graphene
Broken-Symmetry States in Quantum Hall Superlattices
Broken-Symmetry States of Dirac Fermions in Graphene with A Partially Filled High Landau Level
Broken-symmetry-adapted Green function theory of condensed matter systems:towards a vector spin-density-functional theory
Bromination of Graphene and Graphite
Brownian dynamic simulation by reticular mapping matrix method
Brownian dynamics approach to interacting magnetic moments
Brownian dynamics of a self-propelled particle in shear flow
Brownian Dynamics of a Sphere Between Parallel Walls
Brownian Dynamics simulations of aging colloidal gels
Brownian dynamics simulations on hard-sphere colloidal suspensions
Brownian Dynamics Studies on DNA Gel Electrophoresis. I. Numerical Method and Quasi-Periodic Behavior of Elongation-Contraction Motions