Two-photon lasing by a single quantum dot in a high-Q microcavity
Two-Poton Correlations of Luminescence under Bose-Einstein Condensation of Dipolar Excitons
Two-probe study of hot carriers in reduced graphene oxide
Two-probe theory of scanning tunneling microscopy of single molecules: Zn(II)-etioporphyrin on alumina
Two-Qubit State Tomography using a Joint Dispersive Read-Out
Two-resonator circuit QED: A superconducting quantum switch
Two-Roton Bound State in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
Two-scale localization in disordered wires in a magnetic field
Two-scale localization of wave functions in disordered wires in a weak magnetic field
Two-species percolation and Scaling theory of the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions
Two-spin dephasing by electron-phonon interaction in semiconductor double quantum dots
Two-spin entanglement induced by electron scattering in nanostructures
Two-spin relaxation of P-dimers in Silicon
Two-Stage Kondo Effect and Kondo Box Level Spectroscopy in a Carbon Nanotube
Two-stage Kondo effect in a four-electron artificial atom
Two-stage Kondo effect in a quantum dot at high magnetic field
Two-stage Kondo effect in side-coupled quantum dots: Renormalized perturbative scaling theory and Numerical Renormalization Group analysis
Two-state behaviour of Kondo trimers
Two-subband electron transport in nonideal quantum wells
Two-subband quantum Hall effect in parabolic quantum wells