Parallel Quantum-Point-Contacts as High-Frequency-Mixers
Parallel Transport of Electrons in Graphene Parallels Gravity
Paramagnetic centers in graphene nanoribbons prepared from longitudinal unzipping of carbon nanotubes
Paramagnetic reentrant effect in high purity mesoscopic AgNb proximity structures
Paramagnetic to Superparamagnetic Transition in Ni(OH)_2 Nanoparticles
Paramagnetic-diamagnetic interplay in quantum dots for non-zero temperatures
Parameter-free dissipation in simulated sliding friction
Parametric amplification and self-oscillation in a nanotube mechanical resonator
Parametric amplification in single-walled carbon nanotube nanoelectromechanical resonators
Parametric amplification of magnetoplasmons in semiconductor quantum dots
Parametric control of a superconducting flux qubit
Parametric Correlations of Phase Shifts and Statistics of Time Delays in Quantum Chaotic Scattering: Crossover between Unitary and Orthogonal Symmetries
Parametric coupling between macroscopic quantum resonators
Parametric coupling for superconducting qubits
Parametric invariant Random Matrix Model and the emergence of multifractality
Parametric Luminescence of Microcavity Polaritons
Parametric Normal-Mode Splitting in Cavity Optomechanics
Parametric oscillator based on non-linear vortex dynamics in low resistance magnetic tunnel junctions
Parametric resonance of a two-dimensional electron gas under bichromatic irradiation
Parametric resonances in electrostatically interacting carbon nanotube arrays