Pairing and persistent currents - the role of the far levels
Pairing Effects in the Edge of Paired Quantum Hall States
Pairing in the quantum Hall system
Pairing in ultracold Fermi gases in the lowest Landau level
Pairing of Composite Fermions, Laughlin Correlations, and the Fractional Quantum Hall Hierarchy
Pairing of Cooper Pairs in a Fully Frustrated Josephson Junction Chain
Pairing symmetry transitions in the even-denominator FQHE system
Pairs of Bloch electrons and magnetic translation groups
Pairs of Gold Electrodes with Nanometer Separation Performed over SiO$_2$ Substrates with a Molecular Adhesion Monolayer
Para-ortho transition of artificial H$_2$ molecule in lateral quantum dots doped with magnetic impurities
Parafermion Statistics and Quasihole Excitations for the Generalizations of the Paired Quantum Hall States
Parafermion statistics and the application to non-abelian quantum Hall states
Parafermionic states in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates
Parallel implementation of the recursive Green's function method
Parallel magnetic field driven quantum phase transition in a thin topological insulator film
Parallel magnetic field induced magnetoresistance peculiarities of the double quantum well filled with electrons or holes
Parallel magnetic field induced strong negative magnetoresistance in a wide p-Ge_{1-x}Si_x/Ge/p-Ge_{1-x}Si_x quantum well
Parallel Magnetic Field Tuning of Valley Splitting in AlAs Two-Dimensional Electrons
Parallel pumping of electrons
Parallel quantized charge pumping