Branch-entangled polariton pairs in planar microcavities and photonic wires
Break-junction experiments on the zero-bias anomaly of non-magnetic and ferromagnetically ordered metals
Breakdown Current Density of Graphene Nano Ribbons
Breakdown of counterflow superfluidity in a disordered quantum Hall bilayer
Breakdown of Particle-Hole Symmetry in the Lowest Landau Level Revealed by Tunneling Spectroscopy
Breakdown of the integer and fractional quantum Hall states in a quantum point contact
Breakdown of the N=0 Quantum Hall State in graphene: two insulating regimes
Breakdown of the resistor model of CPP-GMR in magnetic multilayered nanostructures
Breakdown of Universality in Quantum Chaotic Transport: the Two-Phase Dynamical Fluid Model
Breakdown of `phase rigidity' and variations of the Fano effect in closed Aharonov-Bohm interferometers
Breaking of Phase Symmetry in Non-Equilibrium Aharonov-Bohm Oscillations through a Quantum Dot
Bridge between Abelian and Non-Abelian Fractional Quantum Hall States
Bright single-photon sources in bottom-up tailored nanowires
Brightening of dark excitons in a single quantum dot containing a single magnetic ion
Broad-band coherent backscattering spectroscopy of the interplay between order and disorder in 3D opal photonic crystals
Broadband THz study of excitonic resonances in the high-density regime
Broadening of the Derivative Discontinuity in Density Functional Theory
Broadening of the transition between charge states in the single-electron box by the measurement process
Broadening processes in GaAs delta-doped quantum wire superlattices
Broken Generalized Kohn Theorem in Harmonic Dot Lattices due to Coulomb Interaction between the Dots: Exact solution of the Schrödinger equation in the dipole approximation