Bogomol'nyi bound and screw dislocations in a mesoscopic smectic-A
Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization of spin Hamiltonians
Bolometric and non-bolometric radio frequency detection in a metallic single-walled carbon nanotube
Bolometric detection of mechanical bending waves in suspended carbon nanotubes
Bolometric Detection of Quantum Shot Noise in Coupled Mesoscopic Systems
Bolometric response in graphene based superconducting tunnel junctions
Boltzmann approach to the spin Hall effect revisited and electric field modified collision integrals
Boltzmann Equations for Spin and Charge Relaxations in Superconductors
Boltzmann theory of magnetoresistance due to a spin spiral
Boltzmann transport and residual conductivity in bilayer graphene
Bond Algebras and Exact Solvability of Hamiltonians: Spin S=1/2 Multilayer Systems and Other Curiosities
Bond-disordered Anderson model on a two dimensional square lattice - chiral symmetry and restoration of one-parameter scaling
Born Oppenheimer Dynamics Near Metal Surfaces
Born-Oppenheimer Breakdown in Graphene
Boron Nitride Nanotubes as Templates for Half-Metal Nanowires
Boron Nitride Substrates for High Mobility Chemical Vapor Deposited Graphene
Boron nitride substrates for high-quality graphene electronics
Bose-Einstein condensates in fast rotation
Bose-Einstein condensates with a bent vortex in rotating traps
Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity of magnetobiexcitons in quantum wells' and graphene superlattices