Atom interferometer as a selective sensor of rotation or gravity
Atom interferometers with scalable enclosed area
Atom interferometric techniques for measuring uniform magnetic field gradients and gravitational acceleration
Atom interferometry based on light pulses : application to the high precision measurement of the ratio h/m and the determination of the fine structure constant
Atom interferometry gravity-gradiometer for the determination of the Newtonian gravitational constant G
Atom Interferometry in a Vertical Optical Lattice
Atom interferometry using wavepackets with constant spatial displacements
Atom Interferometry with up to 24-Photon-Momentum-Transfer Beam Splitters
Atom lithography using MRI-type feature placement
Atom lithography with two-dimensional optical masks
Atom lithography without laser cooling
Atom-molecule collisions in an optically trapped gas
Atom-optics hologram in the time domain
Atom-Wall interaction
Atom-wave diffraction between the Raman-Nath and the Bragg regime: Effective Rabi frequency, losses, and phase shifts
Atomic and molecular phases through attosecond streaking
Atomic and Molecular Processes in the Early Universe
Atomic and molecular supernovae
Atomic antenna mechanism in HHG and ATI
Atomic Bremsstrahlung: retrospectives, current status and perspectives