Dark Optical Lattice of Ring Traps for Cold Atoms
Dark resonances as a probe for the motional state of a single ion
Dark-State Polaritons in Single- and Double-$Λ$ Media
Dayglow emissions of the O2 Herzberg bands and the Rayleigh backscattered spectrum of the earth
de Broglie Wave Phase Shifts Induced by Surfaces Closer than 25 nm
Decay modes of two repulsively interacting bosons
Decay rate and other properties of the positronium negative ion
Decay, interference, and chaos: How simple atoms mimic disorder
Deceleration and electrostatic trapping of OH radicals
Deceleration and trapping of heavy diatomic molecules using a ring-decelerator
Deceleration of continuous molecular beams
Deceleration of neutral molecules in macroscopic traveling traps
Decoding sequential vs non-sequential two-photon double ionization of helium using nuclear recoil
Decoherence and Collisional Frequency Shifts of Trapped Bosons and Fermions
Decoherence in Attosecond Photoionization
Decoherence in Ion Trap Quantum Computers
Decoherence via induced dipole collisions in an ultracold gas
Deduction of the quantum unmbers of low-lying states of the (e+e+e-e-) system from symmetry consideration
Deeply subrecoil two-dimensional Raman cooling
Deflection of field-free aligned molecules