X-ray calibration of a virtual phase 1024 X 1024 CCD
X-ray calibration of the ROSAT position sensitive proportional counter. II - The energy calibration
X-ray emission during the muonic cascade in hydrogen
X-ray emission from comets
X-ray emission lines from photoionized plasmas
X-ray energies of circular transitions and electrons screening in kaonic atoms
X-ray refractive index of laser-dressed atoms
X-ray spectral diagnostics of neon photoionization experiments on the Z-machine
X-ray Spectroscopy of Photoionized Plasmas
X-ray spectroscopy of the isolated neutron star 1E1207.4-5209: Atmospheric composition and equation of state
X-Ray Transitions from Antiprotonic Noble Gases
X-ray-Induced Ionization in the Winds of Near-Main-Sequence O and B Stars
X-rays and inner-shell transitions in the solar atmosphere
Xe 4d photoionization in Xe@C60, Xe@C240, and Xe@C60@C240
Xe II lines Stark broadening (Popovic+, 1996)
XUV frequency comb metrology on the ground state of helium