Ultra-bright omni-directional collective emission of correlated photon pairs from atomic vapors
Ultra-cold atoms in an optical cavity: two-mode laser locking to the cavity avoiding radiation pressure
Ultra-high Resolution Spectroscopy with atomic or molecular Dark Resonances: Exact steady-state lineshapes and asymptotic profiles in the adiabatic pulsed regime
Ultra-high sensitivity magnetic field and magnetization measurements with an atomic magnetometer
Ultra-long-range giant dipole molecules in crossed electric and magnetic fields
Ultra-low noise microwave generation with fiber-based optical frequency comb and application to atomic fountain clock
Ultra-sensitive broad-dynamic range optical magnetometer with instant response to magnetic field changes
Ultracold atom-molecule collisions and bound states in magnetic fields: tuning zero-energy Feshbach resonances in He-NH (3Sigma-)
Ultracold atom-molecule collisions with fermionic atoms
Ultracold atomic collisions in tight harmonic traps: Perturbation theory, ionization losses and application to metastable helium atoms
Ultracold Atoms as a Target: Absolute Scattering Cross-Section Measurements
Ultracold collision properties of metastable alkaline-earth atoms
Ultracold collisions in tight harmonic traps: Quantum defect model and application to metastable helium atoms
Ultracold Collisions of Fermionic OD Radicals
Ultracold collisions of metastable helium atoms
Ultracold collisions of oxygen molecules
Ultracold dense gas of deeply bound heteronuclear molecules
Ultracold giant polyatomic Rydberg molecules: coherent control of molecular orientation
Ultracold Metastable Calcium Ensembles, a Medium for Matter Wave Amplification ?
Ultracold molecules from ultracold atoms: a case study with the KRb molecule