Vacuum polarization calculations for hydrogenlike and alkalilike ions
Vacuum polarization in muonic and antiprotonic atoms: the fine structure at medium Z
Vacuum polarization in muonic atoms: the Lamb shift at low and medium Z
Vacuum ultraviolet emission band systems of N2 (Roncin+ 1998)
Vacuum-Induced Coherence in Ultracold Photoassociative Ro-Vibrational Excitations
Validity of Rate Equations for Zeeman Coherences for Analysis of Nonlinear Interaction of Atoms with Laser Radiation
Variability of the fine-structure constant (Murphy+, 2003)
Variable Free Spectral Range Spherical Mirror Fabry-Perot Interferometer
Variation of fundamental constants
Variation of fundamental constants: theory and observations
Variation of the Fine-Structure Constant and Laser Cooling of Atomic Dysprosium
Variational calculation of 4He tetramer ground and excited states using a realistic pair potential
Variational calculations of dispersion coefficients for interactions between H, He, and Li atoms
Variational calculations on the hydrogen molecular ion
Variational methods, multiprecision and nonrelativistic energies
Variations of the fine-structure constant (Murphy+, 2009)
VCS Stark broadening tables for hydrogen (Lemke, 1997)
Velocity distribution measurements in atomic beams generated using laser induced back-ablation
Versatile compact atomic source for high resolution dual atom interferometry
Versatile two-dimensional potentials for ultra-cold atoms