H/2s/ formation in H/+/-H and H-H collisions
H13CN/HN13C linelist (Harris+, 2008)
H13CN/HN13C linelist (Harris+, 2008)
H2 total transition probability (Abgrall+,
H2O in interstellar shock waves (Flower+, 2010)
Half Cycle Pulse Train Induced State Redistribution of Rydberg Atoms
Hall-Effect for Neutral Atoms
Hanle effect in coherent backscattering
Harmonic generation by atoms in circularly polarized laser fields: far-off and near resonances regimes
Harmonic generation by atoms in circularly polarized two-color laser fields with coplanar polarizations and commensurate frequencies
Harmonic generation in ring-shaped molecules
Harmonics generation and intense terahertz radiation from polar molecules at multiphoton resonant excitation in laser fields
Harmonium in intense laser fields: excitation, absorption, and transparency
Hawking radiation in sonic black holes
HC5N vibrationally excited states (Yamada+,
HCOOH high resolution spectroscopy in the 9.18$μ$m region
HD 145788, 21 Peg and pi Cet chemical analysis (Fossati+, 2009)
Heating efficiencies in the thermosphere of Venus reconsidered
Heating rate and spin flip lifetime due to near field noise in layered superconducting atom chips
Heating-Assisted Atom Transfer in the Scanning Tunneling Microscope