F-resolved Magneto-optical Resonances at D1 Excitation of Cesium: Experiment and Theory
Fabrication and characterization of an electrically contacted vapor cell
Fabrication of alignment structures for a fiber resonator by use of deep-ultraviolet lithography
Fabrication of Magneto-Optical Atom Traps on a Chip
Faddeev equations in one-dimensional problems with resonant interactions
Faddeev-Merkuriev equations for resonances in three-body Coulombic systems
Faddeev-Merkuriev integral equations for atomic three-body resonances
Faraday filtering of Raman light in an isotopically pure alkali metal vapor
Faraday optical isolator in the 9.2 $μ$m range for QCL applications
Fast electron generation by Coulomb scattering on spatially correlated ions in a strong laser field
Fast electron scattering as a tool to study target structure
Fast Non-destructive temperature measurement of two-electrons atoms in a magneto-optical trap
Fast shuttling of ions in a scalable Penning trap array
Fast-position and time-sensitive readout of image intensifiers for single-photon detection
Fe I line shifts in the Sun (Allende Prieto+ 1998)
Fe II oscillator strengths (Raassen+ 1998)
Fe II Reference Catalogue (Viotti+ 1988)
Fe IV radiative transition probabilities (Nahar+, 2005)
Fe IX radiative and excitation rates (Aggarwal+, 2006)
Fe X Benchmarking atomic data (Del Zanna+, 2004)