S V effective collision strengths (Hudson+, 2006)
S-, P- and D-wave resonances in positronium-sodium and positronium-potassium scattering
S-matrix calculation of the triple-alpha reaction
s-Process in low-metallicity stars (Bisterzo+, 2010)
S-wave and p-wave scattering in a cold gas of Na and Rb atoms
Sagnac Interferometry in a Slow-Light Medium
Saturated-absorption spectroscopy: Eliminating crossover resonances using co-propagating beams
Saturation in heteronuclear photoassociation of 6Li7Li
Saturation induced coherence loss in coherent backscattering of light
Saturation spectra of low lying states of Nitrogen: reconciling experiment with theory
sbmm spectrum of deuterated glycolaldehydes (Bouchez+, 2012)
Sc II, Y II & Zr II Stark width (Popovic+ 1996)
Scalar and spin-dependent relativistic effects on magnetic properties calculated with four-component methods: the nuclear magnetic resonance parameters of the lead halides
Scale covariance and G-varying cosmology. II - Thermodynamics, radiation, and the 3 K background
Scaling and Formulary cross sections for ion-atom impact ionization
Scaling laws for the non-linear coupling constant of a Bose-Einstein condensate at the threshold of delocalization
Scaling laws for the photo-ionisation cross section of two-electron atoms
Scaling limit of virtual states of triatomic systems
Scaling theory of excitations in trapped fermionic condensates
Scanning magnetoresistance microscopy of atom chips